With long term ownership in focus
We are good at opening doors and see it as a benefit when entrepreneurs choose us. For Dacke Industri, it means a great responsibility to continue to run a healthy and growing business based on what the sellers have built up.

Confidence and mutual respect – Development
Our companies have a high degree of autonomy and are run independently. Primarily we work as an active owner through the Board of Directors, supporting and challenging the management along the way. Our Values are important for us and our companies. We firmly believe in taking a long-term view to create a sustainable business. Since we are in a non-public environment we can see beyond the quarterly reporting and take decisions that we know will be based on achieving the best result in the long term. We help our companies to develop organically but also support if there are exciting acquisition opportunities along the way. Supporting our companies in acquisition processes is a natural part of our day-to-day business.
Apart from helping our companies to grow we also have a heavy focus on our acquisition agenda, to grow our business further.

What we are searching for
We are always interested in well-managed companies with a strong company culture, which is similar to ours so we can understand each other in a good way. The companies we search for are primarily located in countries that have a sound business climate and this typically points us towards Northern Europe and the Nordics.
The main pre-requisite for us is profitable companies and we prefer companies with a net sales of around 5 million EURO up to 50 million EURO. We also have a strong preference for companies with a solid business model, stable cash flows, strength in their particular niche, and a healthy diversification of the customer and supplier base. We do not look at synergies since our decentralized model requires the companies to stand firmly on their own two feet.
Companies we often discuss with, and later on, acquire, is quite commonly a family-owned business. The business might be up for succession or it could also be the case where the owner wants to continue but is searching for a partner to achieve further growth and taking the next steps. We are very good at opening doors, through our extensive network, and we are honored when successful entrepreneurs decide to sell their lifetime work to us. It is a responsibility to take over and continue to run the business sustainably with the long term foremost in our minds, honoring the work of the Sellers. We are very keen on ensuring that the companies retain their identity and company culture.
The reason why entrepreneurs choose to sell their business may vary, but we try to be responsive to their desires about what happens after the sale. Changed focus, new challenges, gradually stepping down, and finding good replacements. The desires and motives differ, but we usually find a way forward that suits everyone.
At Dacke Industri companies are given the opportunity to expand their network and at the same time get access to a professional Board of Directors that can be consulted before decisions need to be made. We have a strong financial position and the opportunity to make the necessary investments, both in terms of asset investments and any necessary recruitments, to promote a long-term and sustainable business that leads to a high level of competitiveness.
Successful companies are run by talented people, which is why we place great importance on supporting our companies when recruiting key people.

Lowe Fällmar
VP Acquisitions and Business Development
+46 70 641 07 31